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mercoledì 26 aprile 2017



Credo che poche formazioni possano vantare nella loro carriera una completezza e un virtusismo strumentale come in questo line up. Senza voler nulla togliere ad altri gruppi dello stesso periodo e di generi diversi qui si raggiunge una cima altissima e un intreccio di suono inarrivabile.


Heart Of The Sunrise

Love comes to you and you follow
Lose one on to the heart of the sunrise
Sharp distance
How can the wind with its arms
All around me
Lost on a wave and then after
Dream on on to the heart of the sunrise
Sharp distance
How can the wind with so many around me
Lost in the city
Lost in their eyes as you hurry by
Counting the broken ties they decide
Love comes to you and then after
Dream on on to the heart of the sunrise
Lost on a wave that you're dreaming
Dream on on to the heart of the sunrise
Sharp distance
How can the wind with its arms all around me
Sharp distance
How can the wind with so many around me
I feel lost in the city
Lost in their eyes as you hurry by
Counting the broken ties they decided
Straight light moving and removing
Sharpness of the color sun shine
Straight light searching all the meanings of the song
Long last treatment of the telling that
Relates to all the words sung
Dreamer easy in the chair that really fits you
Love comes to you and then after
Dream on on to the heart of the sunrise
Sharp distance
How can the wind with its arms all around me
Sharp distance
How can the wind with so many around me
I feel lost in the city

domenica 2 aprile 2017

Walk on

Ci sono uomini del fare.
Uomini del dire.
Uomini del camminare.